Group for telegram
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2021-05-13 14:35:44
Create Telegram Stickers and get usage stats for your stickers with this bot.
/start: To start the bot. Stickers & Masks /newpack - create a new sticker pack. /newmasks - create a new pack of masks. /newanimated - create a pack of animated stickers. /addsticker - add a sticker to an existing pack. /editsticker - change emoji or coordinates. /ordersticker - reorder stickers in a pack. /setpackicon - set a sticker pack icon. /delsticker - remove a sticker from an existing pack. /delpack - delete a pack. Stats /stats - get stats for a sticker. /top - get top stickers. /packstats - get stats for a sticker pack. /packtop - get sticker packs top. /topbypack - get top stickers in a pack. /packusagetop - get usage stats for your packs. /cancel - cancel the current operation.
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