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Elsa - Global Banhammer

2023-01-27 09:34:08


Telegram Bot Screen


Global Ban Bot is a telegram bot that allows users to report and ban for the content they post.

TheWNetwork bot


Elsa - Global Banhammer is a telegram bot that allows users to report and ban for the content they post.
This bot is exclusively for users who should be restricted from all telegram channels and should not be used for specific channels.

The bot uses a system of trust in the reporting user, reporting well increases trust (and therefore validation speed). Low confidence causes the bot to ignore reports sent by a user

Available Commands:

User Level
/help - Show the current page
/new | /report - Create a new report
/view - View all my reports
/show {report} - View data about a report
/me - View all data about me
/comment {report} - Add a new comment on an existing report
/about {id} - View info about a user.
/claim - Claim a Ban
/stats - View bot statistics
/ticket | /issue - View bot service web

Check more info and how to use every command on https://elsa.yuuu.es
Do you need help? Send us a ticket at https://thewnetwork.freshdesk.com/
@TheWNetwork bot

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