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Economic Calendar Bot

2023-01-23 15:33:32


Telegram Bot Screen


I can send the economic calendar data to your group as a message according to the countries you choose.


Economic calendar bot can send economic calendar data to your groups or channels, all you have to do is add them to your group or channel.

#economic_calendar_bot #telegram_economic_calendar_bot

Hello, I can send economic calendar data to your economic calendar bot groups or channels, all you have to do is add me to your group or channel.

Some commands you can use:
/update_country 1,10,45,36
The /update_country command allows you to get the economic calendar data of the countries you selected.

/update_importance 1,2,3
The /update_importance command allows you to specify the materiality level of future data.
1 => 1 Star data
2 => 2 Star data
3 => 3 Star data

!You must give the commands in the group you add the bot to.

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