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Telegram Messenger v9.5.4 Update Notes

Telegram Messenger v9.5.4 has been release, here are the update detail.

Power Saving Mode

• One switch to disable all resource-intensive animations and autoplay for media, stickers, and emojis.

• Power-saving mode turns on automatically based on the battery charge.

Granular Playback Speed

• Fully flexible playback speed settings for videos, voice, and video messages.

• Tap the “2X” button to quickly switch between 1-1.5-2x speed – or hold it to set any speed between 0.2-2.5x.

Read Time in Small Groups

• Read receipts in groups with under 100 members now show the time when your messages were read.

Improved Group Invites

• When inviting people to groups, you can quickly send invite links to anyone who doesn't allow adding them directly.

• Invite links now show previews in chats.

And More

• Toggle dynamic pack order. Choose if you want recently used sticker packs to be displayed above the older ones in the panel.

• Fully translatable bots. Bot descriptions and ”What can this bot do?
sections can now be translated.

• Improved folder support. Mark all messages in a folder as read and use folders when forwarding.

The Great Bug Hunt

• We've eliminated over 200 known bugs (without using pesticides).

• Use bugs.telegram.org to report issues to our team.

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