Group for Telegram is a Telegram group search tool that supports multiple languages around the world. Thank you for your support. Now an updated version v1.080 has been released. The updated content is as follows.
1) Improve the search functions of Telegram groups, channels, stickers and robots. The search keyword has been increased from a maximum of 1 to 3 combined keywords, making it easier for users to find the desired Telegram group or channel.
However, the search function is limited to the current language. If you cannot find a Telegram group after searching, you can switch to another language to search.
2) Stickers, bots, and articles support the sorting function.
Previous versions did not support the sorting of Telegram stickers, bots or articles, and the current sorting function can also be applied to these items.
3) New sorting method - users can sort by likes.
Users can now sort Telegram groups, stickers, bots or articles based on the number of likes.
4) Improve the user interface of the page when no results are found.
The content of the result page not found supports different languages, and will also display the current Telegram group keywords you searched for.