Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, a secure cross-platform messaging service, envisions 2024 as a crucial year for the widespread adoption of blockchain technology.
In 2024, we will witness a significant moment in history as hundreds of millions of individuals embrace blockchain technology. We take pride in Telegram's central role in driving this profound societal shift,
he recently expressed on his Telegram channel. Durov elaborated:
We will intensify our efforts to combat scammers attempting to deceive newcomers in the cryptocurrency space,
Durov disclosed.
In the near future, Telegram will introduce features displaying the account registration month and primary country for public accounts (similar to Instagram). Additionally, organizations will be able to utilize mini apps to assign labels to channels, fostering a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification,
added the CEO.
Back in November 2022, Durov stated that Telegram aims to develop decentralized tools, such as non-custodial wallets and decentralized exchanges, to securely facilitate cryptocurrency transactions for millions. He highlighted that with innovations like the Open Network (TON), the blockchain industry can achieve its goal of empowering individuals and eradicating the necessity for centralized intermediaries.
On Monday, Durov announced a significant milestone on his channel: Telegram has reached 950 million monthly active users, marking a notable increase from the 900 million users the platform had in the spring. Emphasizing that the user base is steadily progressing towards surpassing the monumental one billion mark, he underscored the platform's continued growth and popularity.