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Dirt Road Discussions


2022-02-12 11:24:57




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Danny L


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2025-03-03 00:51:33Terri Pirsenbarger

I need to know the dose of ivermectin 5’8 230lbs

2025-02-07 03:26:35Bruno

How do I join Dirt Road Discussions?

2023-06-26 10:19:14Melinda Pollard

Wity ivermectin paste, is it best taken daily or skip

2023-04-25 05:14:45Holly

Hi new here

2022-10-28 01:44:29the farmer

I have access to the liquid ivermection and know people who have used it. What is the difference between the liquid and paste?

2022-10-08 06:37:33Linda Hacker-Clark

Hi, I’ve had 21 colonoscopies in 17yrs , UC and Crohn’s after eating unwashed alfalfa sprouts. Doctors want to take my colon out. I am 52 yrs young. It’s a debilitating disease, I’ve been bleeding for 17 years straight, out of my ass, it sucks. Accidents, anemia, etc… but I have Lyme too. Borrelia 6 different types, babesia 2 types, bartenella ,7 different viruses all done by Vibrant Health . I just started the protocol. Please please tell me this is cure for bleeding ulcers in the colon. TY❤️

2022-09-30 01:54:17Bassette


2022-09-19 23:51:54Gay Lynn

Hi, I joined just a week ago and have been on a couple podcasts. I’m very excited about it all but have had questions and even with my hand up haven’t been called on. Is this a place to contact Danny? Or how do I submit on telegram? Thanks so much

2022-09-18 22:03:18Brittany

Would really like to tell you my story, unsure how to DM you.

2022-08-22 03:48:58Deb

Hope to begin listening.

2022-08-08 07:42:27Mikki

I would line to check your channel.

2022-07-26 15:28:07Bahalee

Is this a cult on ivermectin? Can someone enlighten me?