หน้าแรก Bots ดาวน์โหลด Download Telegram Group and DataBase ช่วย

Telegram Group และ Channel DataBase


Telegram Group Picture

Group Help

2021-05-13 00:00:00


Telegram Bot Screen


This is the most complete Bot to help you manage your groups easily and safely!
➡️ Add me in your group as Admin!


/start: To start the bot.

/ban expels a user from the group without giving him the possibility to rejoin with the groups link

/mute allows a user to read, but not to write messages in the group.

/kick expels a user of the group but with the possibility to rejoin with the groups link.

/unban used on a banned user, gives him the possibility to rejoin with the groups link.

/info shows all the infos of the choosed user.

/staff shows the complete list of the Groups staff


2023-05-25 10:52:16David


2022-04-07 23:42:14Leo


2022-04-07 23:42:14Leo


2022-03-29 07:01:46@Hjbgbot


2021-09-04 01:45:07https://t.me/juragann_99

KAMI BERIKAN SEDIKIT PENJELASAN TENTANG INVESTASI DI MIRAE ASSET SEKURITAS titip dana tanam modal DI PT. MIRAE ASSET Bisa Kontrak Jangka Panjang, Hasil Profitnya 30% Dari Modal Perhari! Hello investor pemula! ⬇TITIP DANA DI PT. MIRAE ASSET investasi ⬇ Keuntungan Bagi Yang Investasi Yaitu Pasti Profit! Sebab Kalian Akan Mendapatkan Profit 30% Dari Modal Yang Kalian Investasi Kan. Kenapa Pasti Profit!? Karna Disini Apabila Lose 99% pihak admin Yang Tanggung, Dan Profit kalian akan di transferk

2021-05-25 23:09:07Carman
